How Losing My Job Helped Me Transform My Life and Thousands of Others

I had the privilege of being interviewed for Fox and CNN news. If you missed it, here it is: Its great to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?It’s a pleasure to meet you and thank you. I have always been independent and head strong in what I wanted to make out of my life. I have never been afraid of working hard and had my first weekend job at 13. As soon as my exams were finished I got a job with a global blue chip company and spent the next 20 years establishing my career. 7 weeks into my maternity leave I received a call informing me I no longer had a job. The company had gone into administration and I was one of 96,000 employees that lost their job that day.I applied for over 1000 jobs, but nothing. The next few months hit me hard. I lost my confidence, my independence and my identity. I had no idea who I was or what my purpose was anymore. Then one morning I got up and decided I was no longer going to accept this as my reality. Never again will I put myself in a position where someone else other than me is responsible for my life. So I got to work. I worked on myself, I got back into a fitness routine, started making better choices when it came to food and I worked on my mind. I read books that grew my understanding of myself, how to love yourself even the worst situations and I learnt about business. I knew that what I had learnt could support so many other women. Im sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?Success isn’t easy whatever you are doing, loosing weight, learning to drive. It all just takes commitment, practise and the decision to see it through. My journey has definitely been interesting! I have made great friends and lost some too, its hard when those around you don’t understand your mission. But after 14 years and 3 re-brands I am 100% in the right place and love what I do. I started out as Personal Trainer and then over the last 14 years I have evolved to incorporate what I now value as the 3 key ingredients for a Healthy Life (Mind, Body, Lifestyle) This meant additional qualifications to become a Nutritional Therapist and a Coach. However if I had to pick the main challenges I think the 2 B’s were my biggest: Balance – keeping the home running, spending time with those you love and building a business or 4 at the same time and keeping on top of the course work! And the 2nd B Belief in myself – am I doing the right thing, is it worth it, am I the only person that has these feelings. To take time out is so important not only for our physical health but for our mental health too. These challenges have allowed me to reach out to more women and offer support those looking to re-create their purpose to have balance and independence. Lets talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition? I am a Health, Wealth and Happiness coach. I truly believe that in order to live a healthy life you need to have a balance of the right ingredients: great nutrition to keep our organs and body functioning to the best of its ability, a strong and healthy body to keep our organs safe and well, and a well-versed mind that can deal with the trial and trepidations of everyday life. It’s a bit like making a cake, if you skip an ingredient it just doesn’t taste right. I have been working on these three areas with my clients for the last 7 years with some amazing results. The mind and what we fuel our bodies with are more important and sustainable (in my opinion) than 3 gym sessions a week. What I am saying is that if you can conquer your mind and your nutrition 1st you will find it easier to add in and stick to a regular exercise program.It is from this that I have developed a number of programs and courses. Who people work with is down to each individual. Its so important that you feel comfortable and trust your coach, create a relationship and build a rapport. I always offer a call to see if we are good fit before working with a client and I am always happy to share the details of my own personal journey as proof that it is possible to come out the other side. What is the best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life? Start now, don’t wait. So many people are either waiting for the right time or they think this is simply how it is. Don’t wait until the kids leave school, don’t think you are too old or too young. If you really want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen.One of my favourite quotes “you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” – Zig Ziglar. Find someone that has been where you want to go and reach out. Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you? For me success is seeing the transformation in so many women. When I first started out I really didn’t know how many women would need my programs. Asking for support isn’t something we are very good. But, if I could support and change the life of just one person it would all be worth it. Today I have supported hundreds of women from across the globe and it is their success that truly inspires me. Whats next for you? I have a monthly on-line membership package “providing the Ingredients for a healthy life” which offers everything you need from recipes, fitness, selfcare, mindset, intolerance testing, support and accountability, to name just some. This can be used as a taster to the programs I offer, or as a support and accountability platform once clients have completed a program. I am also so excited to be launching a total transformation package, that supports inner and outer health leaving you not only feeling and looking great but providing the tools to stay there. But what excites me most is my partnership program “Unstoppable Success”, where I am offering other women who have either lost their confidence and or career and want to regain their independence and purpose an opportunity to do just that. Teaching women you truly can “have your cake, and eat it”. Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more? I can be found on a number of platforms, the quickest for an overview of programs would be my https//  For anyone that just wants to know a bit more about me, my life and how I choose to live it I would say my instagram account: @imalexdawson I can also be reached on: facebook/alexandradawsonwellness Facebook group/YourMind Your Body Your Lifestyle Instagram/alexandradawsonwellness Instagram/USS_UnStoppableSuccess Youtube/providingtheingredientsforahealthylife LinkedIn/alexandra-dawson-023994/ Website/ Email/  

Episode 12 TOT – Being Honest With Yourself

Welcome to Talk on Tuesday “Providing the ingredients for a Healthy Life”. My name is Alex Dawson and I will be coming to you on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month to share top tips, great interviews and answer you questions.

Episode 12 is about Being honest with yourself

Do you have any questions?

Please send me a message and I will get back to you shortly.

What can I help you with?

Episode 8 Talk on Tuesday – What makes a Healthy Lifestyle and how to stick to it

Welcome to Talk on Tuesday “Providing the ingredients for a Healthy Life”. My name is Alex Dawson and I will be coming to you on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month to share top tips, great interviews and answer you questions.

Episode 8 covers what makes up a Healthy Lifestyle and how can you stick to it.

Do you have any questions?

Please send me a message and I will get back to you shortly.

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Episode 4 Talk on Tuesday – Goal Setting

Welcome to Talk on Tuesday “Providing the ingredients for a Healthy Life”. My name is Alex Dawson and I will be coming to you on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month to share top tips, great interviews and answer you questions.

Episode 4 is all about Goal Setting and how to stick to those Goals.

Click here to download 

Click here to download

Click here to download

These down loads are editable so be sure to save them for next year! 

Goal setting is a brilliant exercise and can be done at anytime of the year to get ourselves back on track, and to stay on track. Id love to see some of your goals and know how well you are doing with them.

Do you have any questions?

Please send me a message and I will get back to you shortly.

What can I help you with?

Motivation and Stop Procrastinating Workouts

Today is the day!

You told yourself you’d hit to the gym after work. But work was more hectic than you thought. Now you’re drained. You drive home, clean up a bit, but then you make the mistake of sitting down. You can feel your energy fading – along with your motivation.

You know you should get that workout in.

But the idea of dragging yourself to the gym is quickly turning into a pipe dream. You feel like you just can’t get yourself to get up. So then you decide you’ll workout tomorrow instead. But this too is questionable.

This cycle can go on for days… weeks… even months. And it’s frustrating because part of us wants to work out, and knows we’ll feel so much better once we do – but another part of ourselves would rather just crash on the couch.

So why do we procrastinate workouts?

Let’s look at three culprits:

1. I’m Too Busy

2. I Don’t Feel Like It

3. I Can’t Wake Up In Time

1) I’m Too Busy

Have you found there are “more important” things to do than getting to the gym?

Maybe there’s paperwork to catch up.

Maybe there are clothes to fold.

Maybe you have to make dinner.

The tricky part is all of those might be valid. All of those might be important. But those reasons can quickly turn into excuses. Especially if those same reasons stop you day after day.

2) I Don’t Feel Like It.

Some days we just aren’t in the mood.

We’re tired.

We’re stressed out.

We’re not feeling motivated.

Because we’re not in the right mood, we wait until a “better day” or when we’re in a “better mood”.

Behind this reason is often the belief that, “I need to be motivated before I act” – which is FAR from the truth. I’ve met many fit people and some days they are gung-ho and super-motivated but sometimes they aren’t – but they work out anyway. Lack of motivation doesn’t stop them.

3) I Can’t Wake Up In Time

Mornings can be rough.

The alarm disrupts our perfect slumber. So we hit snooze once… twice… a dozen times until finally we frantically have to get ready for the day.

Maybe the bed is too cozy

Maybe it’s too cold outside

Maybe you’re too tired.

It can be tough waking up, especially if you’re a night owl. Or if you’re in the habit of snoozing your alarm clock. Sure – exercising in the morning has benefits. But if the mornings don’t work, find a time that does. For some people, lunch hours or evening works much better for them.

So it could be any one of these or combination of these. Whatever the reason, let’s look at two ways to prevent this cycle of procrastinating workouts.

Imagine The Finish Line

As you imagine your next workout, what comes to mind?

Do you imagine how pleasant and enjoyable it’s going to be?

Do you think about how happy you’re going be while doing it?

How much fun you’re going to have?

Probably not. When most people imagine working out, they picture all sorts of unpleasant things. Their focus zooms in on the painful exercises… how hard it will be… how tired they’ll be… how sore they’ll be… everyone watching them…

It’s easy to see how they talk themselves out of it.

Focusing on these things will make anyone unmotivated. But just like a photographer, you can adjust and shift your focus to other qualities of a landscape. More beautiful aspects. More inspiring aspects.

In fact, let’s take a lesson from the Navy SEALS on this.

Years ago, the Navy SEALS were in a dilemma, 76% of their top candidates were dropping out.The Navy knew these recruits were more than capable, yet few were making the cut. So they called psychologist, Eric Potterat to figure out how to boost the recruits’ mental toughness. Potterat created four habits (called The Big Four) that worked so well, it increased graduation rate by 50%!

One habit was known as “Imagining How Good It Will Feel”.

When recruits needed a boost to keep them going through a brutal workout, he taught them to imagine successfully completing a workout. This allowed them to tap into powerful emotions like feeling successful and accomplishing something. And this allowed them to power through it.

Here’s how you can use this:

Visualize A Successful Workout

Imagine yourself successfully completing the workout.

Think about how good that will feel at the end.

Feel that success and that accomplishment.

Even if it’s just one workout, it’s still an accomplishment.

Even if you can’t perform as well as you used to, it’s still an accomplishment.

Visualize it as best as you can.

Bring in as many senses as you can.

And you don’t have to focus on the completing the entire workout. You can use this for certain parts of your workout; using something Potterat calls “segmenting.”

In an interview with Business Insider, Potterat states:

“If you’re thrust into a seemingly overwhelming, stressful situation, the best thing you can do is just kind of manage one step at a time and focus on what’s controllable.”

Pick out certain exercises and how they will feel once you’ve accomplished them.

For me, I don’t enjoy doing pull ups. If I imagine doing pull ups, it’s not very motivating. But if I imagine what it’s like after completing pull ups, it’s very motivating. Use it for certain exercises.

When you break it down like this, it’s somewhat like crossing off items on a checklist. You can give yourself a surge of accomplishment by finishing each of those small steps.

Here are some additional aspects you can focus on:

When you’re done how much more alert and energized will you feel?

How much more peace of mind will you have after the work out?

How much better will the rest of your day feel?

Do you think that feeling of accomplishment will carry with you the rest of the day?

5-Minute Commitment

Working as a fitness professional, I learned that the most successful clients had certain things in common.

One of which was the quantity of workouts they did on their own (called “off-day workouts”). In many cases, these would make or break people. You see, when people need to show up for a session with a trainer, they have accountability. So it’s not too difficult to show up.

But it’s a different story when they have to show up on their own.

So I gave them a challenge.

Even if you’re tired.

Even if you don’t feel like it.

Even if you’re not motivated.

Even if you’re not in the mood.

5-Minute Commitment

  1. Workout for 5-minutes
  2. If after five minutes you still aren’t feeling it, then go home.

Well, guess what?In most cases, they’ll finish the entire workout. Instead of waiting for motivation to strike them like lightning, they acted their way into motivation. It’s similar to the quote by William Butler Yeats, “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”

Commit yourself to just five minutes.

Worst-case scenario, you still accomplish a small workout.

Best-case scenario, you finish the entire thing.

For more ways to fight procrastination and boost your discipline to power through projects, workouts, and tasks – check out

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Fitness Is About Health and Staying Healthy Is About Good Body Maintenance

Some are born with an inbuilt knowledge of what one’s body needs. Others are easily misguided and led by fashion, popularity, and peer pressure into things that should be avoided. There is also the bodies willingness or otherwise to partake of harmful substances. In my case my body could not tolerate chemicals or anything that affected the brain. This was guided by my keen desire for knowledge and making my intelligence number one.

The lessons learned are that what we do when we are young has an impact on aging and on what diseases and handicaps we will face as the years pile up. Good body maintenance is about avoiding anything toxic and that includes even dangerous rides at carnivals.

The latest fad is to take rides on vehicles that cause a drop and sudden stop, as in some crazy fairground roller coaster adventures. Watching one of these recently it was hard for me to believe that people not only put their own bodies at risk but that of their children in the name of having fun. The human brain is soft and very easily damaged.

The body warns of impending danger through the adrenalin glands and the sensation that many find addictive. As adrenalin flows it increases the heart rate and provides us with a flight or fight experience. In other words, it prepares for recovery from harm.

As the body jerks into a sudden stop the cranium and brain collide. This causes a degree of bruising and can even result in death or paralysis. But that doesn’t have to happen immediately as delayed response may see the effects of concussion several hours or even a day after the event.

Headaches; nausea; dizziness; memory problems; irritability; as well as balance and sleeping difficulties may follow. Look at these symptoms and compare them to those of Alzheimer’s or dementia patients. With the latter there are huge changes in brain functions that include memory loss.While there is no proven correlation to support the linking of the two it doesn’t mean it is not correct.

Drugs also affect the brain and taking pills on a regular basis may also be leading to the onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia. While there are no studies to prove this is the case it’s still a matter of common sense.

If one is looking for a fitness regime then start with the brain and all other things will surely follow. It has the ability to tell us when we are going wrong. Drugs, on the other hand, interfere with that side of nature. We educate the brain by what we do to our bodies. If we stuff ourselves with things like sweets and alcohol, and tell it that the odd adrenalin rush is OK, then changes in that vital organ will impel us to take more of it.

Norma Holt has knowledge that enables her to understand many issues. Politics, health, social and behavioural problems are usually on her list for discussion as well as anything to do with the Spirit of the Universe and reincarnation, which she experienced. She is happy to hear from any of her readers.

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